Last update: 2024-08-31
actions/setup-node now supports nvm-compatible Node version specifications. To activate this:
- uses: actions/setup-node@v4 with: node-version-file: ".nvmrc"
This also builds in support for caching — see the documentation.
The original article from 2021 continues below.
nvm — Node Version Manager — is a tool that manages Node JS installations. It lets you declare the required Node version in a .nvmrc file and type nvm use to use it, automatically downloading if necessary.
GitHub Actions is a continuous integration service built into GitHub. nvm is preinstalled in many of GitHub Actions' default Virtual Environments (virtual machines).
However, if you try to use the nvm command in a job step it won't work. Here's a naïve example:
steps: - run: nvm install
This will fail with an error like:
nvm: command not found
Why doesn't the nvm command work by default? Recall that when you install nvm it adds a snippet to your shell's startup scripts. For Bash, it's added to ~/.bash_profile, which is only sourced (included) as part of interactive shell startup [1]. A GHA run step runs Bash with flags that skip sourcing that file, by default:
bash --noprofile --norc -eo pipefail {0}
If you override the shell command to include the --login flag Bash will automatically do the sourcing:
jobs: steps: - run: | nvm install shell: "bash -eo pipefail --login {0}"
This is a bit of a mouthful to repeat on each step, but that's what it takes.
You also have to manually wire up actions/cache to cache the Node install and package dependencies. See a fully-worked example.
[1] | See the INVOCATION section of bash(1) |
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