Minesweeper Clone

A scalable (try changing the text size in Firefox), JavaScript-based clone of Minesweeper, originally by Robert Donner.


A demo showing Minesweeper Clone's ability to replay games from logfiles can be seen on the demo page, or the demo below can be played immediately.

Generate a New Board


Presets: Default, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

Live Logview

The Minesweeper class creates a log that records the information necessary to recreate the game. This log is shown, in JSON notation, below. Notes on what each entry means can be found in minesweeper.js.

[ logs are written here ]

To Do

  • Make the images work better in Internet Explorer.
  • Make the displays work in Internet Explorer, or create a substitute.

Resolved Issues

  • Add preloading of the images.
  • Figure out why that "Stack overflow at line: 0" alert in Internet Explorer happens.